Thursday, July 3, 2014

7-02-14 Very First Photoshoot with Lee Ann

I was asked to help my friend Zeus on a photoshoot of his. It was of his friend Lee Ann, I was a little bit scared because I've never done anything like this and i did not want to mess it up for her or for me. But i went anyways, i figured i could always help with the set up and learn a thing or two from him and my long time friend Jon. Both of which i look up to for their art! Everything was going like i planed it then they asked me to take pictures and i kept telling them no and Lee Ann even started so i gave in. I have to say she made the work easy, as scared as i was and completely forgetting that i need to tell her how i want her to pose she handled it and me like a pro lol! i had the easy job of just taking the pictures. i hope to work with her again someday. 
but if anyone would like to set up another photoshoot please hit me up here or email me 
Thanks and i hope you like the pictures, Especially you Lee Ann may whatever you do find you success, and a winner of that bodybuilder comp.  

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