Tuesday, September 22, 2015

9-19-15 Green Ranger Shoot

So during Kawaii Kon 2015 I met a guy who was Cosplaying as The Green Power Ranger and anyone who knows me knows the Green And White Ranger who was played by Jason David Frank is my absolute favorite Rangers ever so when i saw this green ranger cosplay i just had to take the picture. at the time we wasn't really in a good place to take pictures but i got one. i posted the picture on my Instagram page for this website and he found me, we've been talking about setting something up or when we might be able to catch each other, nothing came through till Amazing Honolulu Comic Con, we both knew we were going  and we set up a plan to shoot there at the event. i hope you guys like it and i hope one day to work with him and his wife again soon.

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