Saturday, June 8, 2013

6-7-13 Justin's Initiation Into the Knights Of Columbus

So tonight was interesting, I went to Ande's and Justin's church because he is being accepted to the Knights of Columbus, and Ande could not make it due to work so i was going to take pictures for her. little did we know when we got their that this is a Private or Secret event and i can't take any pictures or be their while the ceremony is going on. So what do i do, take pictures of the chruch and the surrounding of it. At the end of it i went in and took a photo of Justin and Ande's Grandpa's best friend at the church. Enjoy!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous pictures! Showing God's creation seems like a perfect way to celebrate a spiritual event! Blessings on you, Geoffrey, and of course to my nephew Justin also. Love, Auntie Mary
